Category: Comics
After finishing Saga Book One, I sat back and began to think. I closed my eyes and I concentrated so that I could see my life-time of comic book reading flash before me. After about 2.5 seconds it was confirmed. I never had experienced anything like Saga before. It’s beautiful, majestic, epic, and it is…
Captain Atom in the 80’s
Captain Atom always popped in and out of a lot of the DC back issues I would read here and there. I had nothing against him. He seemed interesting. I mean just look at the setup. Nathanial Adam, convicted of treason, promised a pardon if he would only sit in a container made of some…
The Silver Surfer Omnibus – Find your soul
In the forward to Marvel Comics’ The Silver Surfer Omnibus, Stan Lee not only declared that Silver Surfer is his favorite character, but also that these eighteen issues were probably his best work.