Life is a battle that we all lose. Which is why you can’t live it like it’s a war.

Superman; Superman Spage Age #3, words by Mark Russell
  • Interlude – IV

    Well I did it. What began as a post on the second of January, declaring my New Year’s Resolution in blogging about Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, finishes the year off with this post on December 31st. If only the first post could have been published on January 1st! The project does not end of course because we do have a bit more than twelve weeks remaining to close out the series. And if us comic book geeks are anything, we are completionists.

    Looking at some quick numbers, we published around sixty posts that consisted of not only the main series, but twelve of the spin-off Karate Kid series, as well as four extra issues loosely connected to the series as part of the ad interim feature. There were some nice surprises along the way, most notably DC Super-Stars #17, which was the first appearance of the Huntress. I did not have that in my collection but I was able to get it for a nice price, so this little exercise did not go into ‘are you crazy’ territory.

    In addition I do have something exciting to announce. The S/LSH project for the past year helped pave the way to a project that I have been incubating for about four years now and have been chipping away at. By working during my free time and being able to get ahead, I was able to take what I learned and apply it to this.

    And what is this you may ask? Well it is a webcomic that I have created called Solicitations. Solicitations will be a weekly published webcomic that serves as a commentary on the comic book industry. When I was in college, I was hooked on webcomics like Penny Arcade and PvP and these two have definitely influenced this creation. I still have some strips from those two guys at Penny Arcade and Scott Kurtz at PvP living rent-free in my head. So if anything, it is definitely a homage to those titans who paved the way and pioneered the concept of ‘webcomic.’ So to them I am very thankful.

    The most important thing I can tell you about Solicitations at this point is that everything it communicates will be positive and will remain so. This is meant to be a ‘tongue in cheek’, ‘laugh at the industry’s expense’, sort of thing because, let’s face it, the industry is crazy. And while I am doing that, hopefully I will be able to also talk about some of the comics I am reading and that I am excited about. I have ten comics in the can already, which translates to at least ten weeks, so I am already off to a good start and I cannot wait to share this with the world in a couple of weeks time.

    So as this post sees the light of day on the last day of December, and 2024, I wish you all the very best for a 2025 and I hope that all your dreams come true. Because without dreams, this world would be a very boring place indeed.