Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes!

Long Live the Legion!

Welcome to the Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes dedicated page! This page can be handy for those that have simply landed here from somewhere in the internet-verse. Here you will find dynamic content related to my Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes project. If you’re here for the first time, as a New Year’s Resolution for 2024 I decided to read all the issues of the Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes series in order, and blog about it.

Here are some navigational tips:

Below are two columns. On the left column you will find the three most recent posts with a description. This block will change once I have completed this project and when it’s no longer needed. The column on the right displays all of my posts from oldest to newest. So if you want to start from the beginning this can be handy.

Below the columns is a simple search field that you can use if you are looking for a specific creator, character, or place.

Finally, I’ve also included a gallery of my fan art that ranges in quality from bad to okay. When I did a deep dive into a specific issue I was, from time to time, inspired to make a drawing of it and it also has a home here.

I hope you enjoy the posts I’ve made, I had a lot of fun writing them. And as always…


Recent posts

All posts

  • Karate Kid #13
    The mystery of who is real, Karate Kid or the entire Legion of Super-Heroes, is solved! And Iris goes full Kaiju!
  • Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #236
    We have three stories this time around, making this Giant Size Special well…extra special! Mon-El explodes back onto the scene with a nice standalone story and we have the lead-in to Saturn GIrl and Lightning Lad’s wedding.
  • Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #235
    A courtroom drama unfolds and Mike Grell returns! Thankfully not both at the same time. Read on Legionnaires!

Fan Art