Story: Cary Bates
Art: Dave Cockrum
Colors: Liz Safian
Editor: Murray Boltinoff
Cover artist: Nicholas Peter Cardy
Release date: December 26, 1973
We have two tales! The Betrayer From Beyond and the Silent Death. Both written by Cary Bates with art by Dave Cockrum.
The Betrayer From Beyond
We find ourselves in Legion HQ where three candidates are talking excitedly amongst each other. They’re curious on if they will be able to fill the spot of the newly departed Bouncing Boy. Also, the wraith from last issue makes an appearance, stating that nothing must stand in its way to claim what is rightfully its from the Legion.
Superboy announces himself to be the temporary leader in Mon-El’s absence. He decides to pay tribute to Erg-1, showing the visi-tape that recorded how he sacrificed his life on Manna-5 in the line of duty, and basically recapping the events from issue 195 in case you forgot. As the candidates watch the event unfold, Superboy attests that this ultimate sacrifice, is the true test of a Legionnaire. Easily said as Superboy himself is indestructible. But I digress.
Also watching the visi-tape is the wraith, who tries to desperately communicate with the group to no avail. Then we find out what really happened on Manna-5. Erg-1 wasn’t actually destroyed but the energy he unleashed was in actuality himself, and it took him all his power to regain his current form. Knowing that his containment suit is in Legion headquarters, it took a year for him to travel in order to reclaim it. Patience is indeed a virtue and could also be the true test of a Legionnaire.
As his wraith form approaches his suit encased in glass, his hopes increase, knowing that he will be able to take his old form again. However as he touches the glass, he’s zapped by an incredible force.
We return to the scene where the Legionnaires are seated, waiting to see the tests of the three candidates.
First up is Porcupine Pete, who demonstrates his ability to bombard all attackers at once by shooting his quills. There is only one problem, he can’t control his aim. Declaring it to be more of a hinderance than help, Superboy declares his application…REJECTED!
Back to Erg-1, he realizes he cannot get through the force-field that is protecting his uniform and continues his search for a solution. He encounters a whistling Cosmic Boy minding his own business. Knowing that he can’t draw his attention, Erg-1 wonders if he can also possess his mind while in his energy form. He moves closer to our whistling Cosmic Boy, attempts to enter his mind and is zapped yet again.
Meanwhile we return to the second candidate, Infectious Lass. Star Boy happily stands in as a volunteer to allow her to demonstrate her abilities. Unfortunately this happens to be giving people diseases. She starts with giving Star Boy a simple cold, then hits him with a flu. Unfortunately it was quite a big flu and Star Boy doubles over and is taken to the infirmary.
Infectious Lass tries to apologize to Superboy but it’s too late. This power could put the whole Legion at risk and because of this, he also declares her application…REJECTED!
We return to Erg-1 who realizes that the reason he couldn’t penetrate and take control of Cosmic Boy was because of the Legionnaire flight ring. It’s powered by the same force field that protects his uniform. He will have to find another way.
We then return to the hall and find Molecular Master, the third and final candidate. He demonstrates his ability to enlarge the infinitely tiny atoms all around them, and shows how he can control all the power in a stasis field. The other Legionnaires are impressed, but Superboy cautions him that there are more tests to be had before they can declare him eligible for membership.
Erg-1 has since moved behind Molecular Master and realizes that this might just be his solution. Because Molecular Master is a candidate he does not yet wear a flight ring, so surely he would be able to enter his mind and force him to retrieve his uniform. But as he makes the move Erg-1 comes to a startling revelation. Molecular Master is not human but an android. And by analyzing his computer data he finds out that Molecular Master will attempt to steal the Miracle Machine.
For long-time Legion fans would know that the Miracle Machine allows the user to turn their dreams into reality and thus an extremely powerful device. What’s more, Erg-1 also discovers that this android has been silently exhaling an invisible poisonous gas. A gas so toxic that it will kill them all even Superboy. I guess he’s not so indestructible after all. Regardless, should this android and in turn its creator possess the Miracle Machine, then they could easily rule the universe.
Sure enough, as Shadow Lass attempts to perform psychological tests on Molecular Master as the next phase of his application, she passes out. One by one the other Legionnaires pass out too, even the mighty Teen of Steel.
Standing alone the Molecular Master proceeds to the Miracle Machine and starts to use its atom-power to destroy the protective case around it. When he is suddenly hit from behind by none other than Erg-1, ‘standing’ in his full suit and is back in action.
Quickly regrouping, Molecular Master grows a super-atom that has the power of a thousand nuclear bombs and hurls it at Erg, completely enveloping him in an attempt to break down his atoms. But there’s just one tiny problem that Molecular Master didn’t realize. Erg is himself pure energy, and he easily passes through it. In fact, this super-atom actually super charges Erg, and with one mighty kick of raw energy, he connects right on the android’s face, splitting his head and blowing it to bits.
We then hear how Erg was able to regain his uniform. He was able to penetrate the protective casing of the Miracle Machine and made two wishes; One, he wished to turn the toxic gas into a sleeping gas, so the android would believe he had won. And second, he wished to remove the protective force field from his uniform so he could regain control. He then makes a third wish, to instantly awaken the Legion and transport them to this room, where he confronts Superboy, Star Boy, Phantom Girl, Colossal Boy, and Shrinking Violet. But how will he explain his actions? Find out next issue!
The Silent Death
We find ourselves upon a very bizarre scene, as a couple of muggers try to steal from Karate Kid and Dream Girl. I suppose not realizing that these two belong to the most powerful team in the 30th Century, they continue their assault. Karate Kid keenly dodges a knife stab and quickly takes the two out. Dream Girl exclaims, “I’ll bet those thugs will never try to attack a Legionnaire again!”
As they both walk back to Legionnaire Headquarters, Dream Girl thanks Karate Kid, telling him that she had in fact panicked and if it wasn’t for him, the muggers might have been successful. She admits that her special power in most crises, is quite useless. Karate Kid will have none of this talk and tells her every Legionnaire is important, and that her unique abilities make her one of their most valuable members.
But Dream Girl’s inner thoughts say otherwise. She feels like she just doesn’t rate with the other members, and having a power of seeing the future in her dreams can’t possibly help them in a time of trouble.
That night as she sleeps, she has one of her visions and she wakes up shrieking. A Legionnaire is dying.
She rushes out of her room and recognizes the images of the monitor room from her dream. She quickly enters and finds Karate Kid at the monitor. Seeing that he’s the only one there she realizes that it is him that she has come to rescue from certain death.
Confused, Karate Kid wonders what she could possibly save him from and asks if she’s certain that it is him she saw in her dreams. She is not sure because she woke up right before she could see and identify the dead-person-walking. The only thing she is convinced of, that the person that is going to die is in this very room.
But Karate Kid is fine and he has the safest job in the world at the moment and that’s watching the monitor screens. They brainstorm and realize, of course! The screens. The dying Legionnaire must be on one of the monitor screens. They quickly go back to watch a tape of the most recent recordings in order to figure out which Legionnaire the monitor is focused on and they find two, Lightning Lad and Phantom Girl who are in quadrant 43-7, the Sahara desert, transporting a couple of vurxa weeds that also has amazing curative powers.
Heartbroken they realize it must be one of them that will die and are afraid to watch more. Suddenly they see a tornado confront the two Legionnaires that is made of very lethal radioactive particles. It engulfed them both but suddenly dissipated as Lightning Lad used his lightning-power to charge the particles the same way, causing it to disappear because like-charges repel each other. Duh. And sure enough both Legionnaires appear unscathed and safe and sound.
Relieved that they are safe but baffled because it wasn’t them, they both look at each other with dread. If it wasn’t Karate Kid, Lightning Lad, or Phantom Girl that were in danger, that leaves only one possibility…Dream Girl!
But suddenly Karate Kid keels over. Dream Girl quickly remembers the knife from the mugger that Karate Kid had dodged and this writer also ensured to mention. It must have nicked him. Taking Karate Kid in her arms, she rushes him off to the medico-wing.
And it was just in time too because as Karate Kid awakens he sees the beautiful green face of Brainiac-5. Sure enough, he sustained a grave internal wound inflicted by the Laser Knife, but he never felt it. Karate Kid agrees and it was probably due to his intense training that allows him to shut out any pain.
Taking Dream Girl’s hand, he thanks her and tells her just like before, that every Legionnaire is important, including her. And the fact that he is still alive, will reminder her of that forever.
Creative Team
Does this team just get better and better? Probably. I always enjoy it when we see other super-powered beings try out to become full fledged members. Some of them will even make a return appearance in the legendary Legion of Substitute-Heroes. Also, thanks to the outpouring of love in previous letters pages, Cary Bates brings back Erg-1 in a very nice display and he even takes us on a tour and references some nice past Legion stories, this time Adventure Comics #367. The only issue I had of course was using the Miracle Machine as a plot device. If you can pretty much wish for anything, you would wish for the immediate solution of the problem at hand and not have to devise a whole three-step plan that Erg-1 had to do. The Miracle Machine pops up every now and again in future issues I believe so I am curious on if it will be used with greater and more believable effect.
For the other story, we have another look and focus on a Legionnaire who also doubts themselves, this time Dream Girl. It is an interesting tactic they are employing and of course for new readers it’s a nice way to introduce us slowly to all the characters. It was a neat little yarn, with Karate Kid barely getting nicked and almost dying without even realizing it.
Dave Cockrum continues to flex. I mean this guy was amazing. His rendering of all the Legionnaires just make the story plots pop, especially as we get an inner look of Molecular Master. He’s painted a world that is one part weird-sci-fi and the other part super-heroes. It continues to be a serious upgrade artistically from where the Superboy title was at the time, and it makes the title overall definitely more mature. I do hope he stays on for a bit longer but as we know from the last issue, the clock is ticking as negotiations are occurring behind the scenes.
In terms of where we are with LSH lore, we’re still on a bi-monthly book and we’re getting threads of continuity with spotlights on specific members. Bates might still be busy doing other things and the bi-monthly schedule is probably to accommodate Cockrum. But this issue still does feel like a lot of filler. I felt like we got that true epic in number 200 and now we’re back to setting up the board. But I’m not complaining because these yarns are still great.
I decided to refer to the letters page by its actual name. Not sure why I didn’t do that before but here you go. Welcome to Super-Talk!
Nothing too much of interest popped up in the letters page this issue. We do get a statement from the editor that this is in fact the Legion’s own magazine, putting any doubters in their place.
There is again a lot of praise for Cary Bates and Dave Cockrum, which is the usual. I particularly liked the international nature of readers who wrote in. We have one from Greece for instance and West Berlin. Some of these are probably American military service members at the time but it shows you how beloved these characters were at the time.
We do have an announcement that the next issue will be a 100-page spectacular so the next issue should be an interesting read through.
And that’s really it for this one, not a lot to read between the lines other than praise. But the series continues to be well received and it’s full steam ahead.
The Legion Medallion of Merit
The award of this issue’s medal was an easy one indeed despite there being two stories. Of course it goes to Erg-1. I mean he is not even a Legionnaire but the dedication and grit he showed as he travelled for one whole year over a distance of millions of miles is impressive. And even after all that he managed to save the entire Legion from near death, which is the second time by the way! So yes, without a doubt our beloved Erg-1 deserved The Legion Medallion of Merit.
May you continue to inhabit your containment suit for a long period of time Erg-1, allowing you to display this shining Medal of Merit proudly, lest the Legionnaires fail to remember how you saved them from certain doom twice, even without having full Legion status. Could any future Legionnaire be able to show as much merit as you did and who are also so deserving of an award? Only future issues will tell!
And that’s it for this issue and up next, the 100-page Spectacular!
Long Live The Legion!
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