Tag: Justice League of America #148

  • Interlude – III

    I am officially three-quarters through my New Year’s Resolution in blogging about Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, and ensuring that I create one post a week. And I do pat myself on the back because it is going insanely well. I am running ahead, and have posts scheduled all the way until the end of November so it does look, barring any physical derailments, like I will make it.

    It has been a fun journey with some unexpected surprises. One of course was the Karate Kid spin-off series that I decided to cover after not really having it in my plans. That was quite a little task in making sure I had all fifteen issues on hand to do the write-ups and thankfully I was able to secure it.

    Another surprise is the upcoming Justice League of America and Legion crossover, which takes place in JLA #147 and #148. As you will see, Gerry Conway and Paul Levitz swap places and cover each other’s books. I have not read the crossover nor did I realize it existed, so I am very much looking forward to covering that. This will be included in a new series called ad interim which will kick off with a DC Special before a major event in the main Legion book shortly thereafter.

    The only sticky point so far has been not finding the time to write about the Amazing World of DC Comics series, in particular #9. This was first hinted about in one of the letters pages and I ended up securing a copy in a very good condition at a very good price. After reading it, I realized that there was not too much to cover. It does go behind the scenes a bit, but the vast majority of the book is dedicated to a very handy listing of all the Legion appearances in the various books over the years since the relaunch, as well as a vast Who’s Who like section going over details from the Legionnaires, their villains, allies, places, and even organizations. The two most interesting tidbits were an unpublished Mike Grell page from one of the Jim Shooter stories as well as a glorious printing of the famous double page spread from Dave Cockrum’s Bouncing Boy and Duo Damsel’s wedding. A both famous and infamous depiction because it was this spread page that created tension between Dave Cockrum and DC that would push Cockrum to leave DC for Marvel.

    So how about that, I guess I just did a write up of the Amazing World of DC Comics after all! But in all seriousness, it is worth hunting down because you do get a good sense of how far the Legion has come in that point of time. The other issue to hunt down would be the Amazing World of DC Comics #12, which is also Legion focused and has an unpublished Mike Grell story apparently. If the budget allows I might just hunt that one down as well.

    And finally, I have to thank you, dear readers, for sticking around with me this year as I go from issue to issue. I do hope the posts have not been too formulaic and have been fun to read. The only thing I would like to focus on as we jettison toward the end of the year is to try to incorporate a bit more fan-art. I have been in the process of taking a bunch of creative art classes and also learning how to use Krita, so I do hope I can include some more fun pieces before the project is over.

    With about three months left and at least one more interlude to go, always remember…